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up-dated, 2nd Dec. 2015

All those who have gone before
We will Remember Them.
"We Will NEVER FORGET!" Please
KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Our thoughts
and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS.
(The 39ers Club)

The Royal Regiment of Artillery

+ + +

E mail from Mike O’Neill ref his father,
SSgt Dennis Hugh O'Neill - 39 Reg RA -
e mail dated 1st Dec 2015
From Mike O'Neill
Hello I’m Mike O’Neill, eldest son of Dennis Hugh O’Neill who served
with the 39’rs for a good number of years before going to (I think) 18th Heavy artillery in about 1960 or 61.
Sadly Dad died back on 25thMay 1970 in Thundersley, Essex I don’t know if you have any current website
or other contact points where I can obtain any information about Dad. If so, I’ll be delighted to hear
from you. With thanks Mike ___
RIP – Paddy (SSgt O’Neill) Yes,
He was the B.Q.M.S. in 36 Bay RA in the early 1960. If any of the ‘Old Lad’s’ out there remember S/Sgt
O’Neill – if so would you like to contact Mike O’Neill – his e mail - Mike O'Neill mike.oneill@uwclub.net .
+ +
on August 24, 2015 4:01 PM EST Patrick Nunn
| Name: | Geordie Stothard | Email Address: | Cheapspecks@aol.com | Comments: | Hi
Cabby, just to inform you that Patrick Nunns
passed away today. His twin brother Mike phoned
to tell me . We served in 171 bty,
39 regt from 1963 - 69 together. The twins were on the boxing team. May he rest in peace.
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++

Michael (Mick) Wood

Wood nigel.wood@flexicare.comhide details
cabby39regtra cabby39regtra@aol.com
Fri, 24 Jul 2015 14:07
Dear Cabby
It is with regret that I write to
advise you of the death of my father,
Mick Wood, on Monday 20th July 2015. He suffered a fatal heart
attack playing golf, and this provides some comfort to me and my sisters and
the rest of our family and friends as he always said he wanted to go out
quickly and with a golf club in his hands.
We are aware that he had been in
contact with you recently and made a
contribution to the maintenance of your website, something which I will also do
in the future in his name. We had been talking about potentially making a visit
to his old stomping ground in Germany next year so I hope this is something I
can do for him at some stage in the future on his behalf. If and when I do I
would like to contact you for more information.
If anyone would like to pay their
final respects to my dad, the funeral
service will take place at Fartown Trinity Methodist Church on Spaines Road,
Fartown, Huddersfield, at 13.00 on Wednesday 29th July,
followed by a burial at Edgerton Cemetry at 14.00, and thereafter a wake at
Cowcliffe Liberal Club, Netheroyd Hill Road, Cowcliffe, Huddersfield.
Keep up the good work.
All the very best.
Nigel Wood
Latin America Sales Manager
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Gnr Jim Swingler
171 Battery 39
Regt RA 
J SWINGLER jimboswing@btinternet.comhide details
cabby39regtra cabby39regtra@aol.com
Hello Cabby,
I'm not sure if you received this the first time I
sent it, so I thought I'd send it again. Would you please let me know you have
received it.
Many thanks.
Kind regards
Jim Swingler
From : jimboswing@btinternet.com
Date : 12/10/2014 - 10:29 (GMTDT)
To : cabby39regtra@aol.com
Subject : Gnr Jim Swingler 171 Battery 39 Regt RA
Hello Cabby,
I'm writing in relation to my Dad Jim Swingler from
Hull who died when I was two back in 1968. I have recently obtained
his service records from the MOD and have discovered that he served in 171
Battery 39 Regt RA at Sennalager between December 1961 and Dec 1964 before
being posted to Larkhill where he met my Mum. His service records state
he was on Howitzers whilst with 171 Battery.
He was discharged from the Army on 28 Jun 1968 due
to illness and passed away 3 months later on 6 Sep 1968 from Lymphoma aged
I too served in HMF (RAF) and spent a few years in
Germany not realising my Dad had served there before me.
I would be very grateful to hear from anyone who
has any memories of him. jimboswing@btinternet.com
Best regards
Jim Swingler
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Derek Markland e mail received - 1 Nov 2014
Died: suddenly, 15 Oct 2014
anthonyhawkins3356 anthonyhawkins3356@hotmail.com
cabby39regtra cabby39regtra@aol.com
My brother
served in the 39 Missile Regiment
RA. He was based mainly in Sennalager, Germany around 1969 to 71.
He was
a driver for one of the
colonel/major and was also the barman in either the officers/sergents mess.
name was Paul Derek Markland when
he was in the army. (Originally from Birmingham) Born 30/1/1955 passed away
suddenly on the 15/11/2010 in Northern Ireland. He reverted back to his
original surname of Hawkins in 1981.
be grateful for any information
or photographs. He didn't talk much about his time in the army, but I know he
served in Ulster, 1970-71.
As remembrance
day is coming up and it
being so close to his anniversary I wanted to reach out and see if there was
any group linked to the 39th Missile (Medium) Regiment RA and came across your
forward to hearing from you.
May he Rest in Peace
++ ++
| |
(Died: 5 Aug 2014)
Email Address:
From Teresa Christie - teresa.christie280@gmail.com
I would like to inform you of the
passing away of George Palfreyman.
He passed away in hospital in Sunderland on the 5th of August 2014. The
funeral is on Friday 15th August at 3.30 at Sunderland Crem . He served in 36
Bty. 39 Missile Regt. RA from 1962 to 1968. Our condolence go out to Phillis
and Family. Rest in peace my old mate,
You will never be forgotten - from
your old mate
(Wrecker Crane). Dave Crane
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
submitted on February 21, 2014
3:14 AM EST
Samuel James Stafford
( Died March
2009 )
Alan Stafford
Email Address:
Alan Stafford 19/01/2014(alan.stafford82@yahoo.co.uk)
the39ersclub@hotmail.com Hi, I came across your website whilst doing some
research and just wanted to let you know some details about my father who was
stationed in Sennelager between 1962 and 1967. His full name was Samuel James
Stafford but was known as Paddy. He was a Sergeant when stationed there
eventually being posted to Larkhill where he was promoted to Warrant Officer.
Paddy passed away in March 2009 after a stroke.
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Message on Face Book - Sep 2013 John Williams from,
Alison Williams
Hello i see you are the founder of 39ers club, could you please add in your website, unfortunately we have lost our
dad to cancer, Mr John Williams from Wrexham, leaving his wife Val, children Tracey, Joe, Donna, Jason and Alison and all
his grandchildren. He dedicated all his time to The Comrades and the Royal Artillery Club, may he rest in peace.
Thank you Alison
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
From FaceBook 4 Dec
2013 Jim
Brooks (Died: Dec
For all of 19/39 MSL.
Regt. RA sadly on Saturday night big Jim Brooks REME who was with 19 Bty RA
passed away, R.I.P. Jim my thoughts go with Sue his wife and his family I will
be give Sue a bell to find out when the funeral is.
Paddy Bradley
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++ 
Anthony (Bomber) Martin
(Died: 22 Feb 2013)
From: |
Thomas Catterall (toffees1949@gmail.com) |
Sent: |
25 February 2013
20:47:08 |
the39ersclub@hotmail.com |
It is with sadness that I learned of the death of Anthony (Bomber) Martin. Bomber passed away on Friday 22nd February.
Bomber served in all three Missile regiments. R.I.P Dear Friend
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Tom Paterson (Died March 2013)
It is with great sadness that I have to report the Passing On of Tom Paterson.
I served in 36 Bty, 39 Missile Regt RA in the early years 1960. Tom used to drive the 5 tonner & launcher. RIP Tom,
We dropping off like too soon in life!!
Below is a e mail from Betty his wife:
#916 | Tuesday
5th of March 2013, 3:54 pm, GMT | Betty Paterson | |
this is just a message to say Albert Thomas Paterson has sadly passed away
yesterday. If youd like to attend please email me on
May He Rest in Peace |
++ ++

Fred Harper (Died: 13
Sep 2011)
E mail from Barry Harper
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:13:38 +0100 From: barry.harper@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Fred To: the39ersclub@hotmail.com
I am
sorry to have to tell you that fred Harper, passed away this morning at 10.55, I am is cousan Barry and I was
with Fred, but fred did not know any one for the past week Fearless to the end god bless him BUT LETS FACE IT WE
Harper - barry.harper@yahoo.co.uk
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Bob Turner (Died: 25
May 2011)
e mail from:
From: Barriet036@aol.com Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 11:58:29 -0400 Subject:
The death of Bob Turner To: the39ersclub@hotmail.com
My father Bob Turner passed away on 25th May 2011
at Salisbury District Hospital after a prolonged illness.
A gunner for over 32 years he joined 39 Regiment
in Sept 56 leaving in Mar 65, serving on 19 battery as a Honest John No 1 and as MT Sgt on 171 battery.
Funeral Service at Salisbury Crematorium at 13.45
on the 6th June 2011.
Barrie Turner
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Tom Stewart
– 19 Bty – 39 Regt RA (Died: Sep 2010)
From: a.martin716@btinternet.com To:
the39ersclub@hotmail.com Subject: The Death of Tom Stewart Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 15:28:18 +0100
It is with saddness that today I
learnt of the death of Tom Stewart, Tom passed away in September 2010. Tom was a member of 39 Missile Regt,19 Gibralter Bty.
He was a staunch supporter of Crystal Palace football club, he also love the music of the Carpenters. Our condolences
go to his partner Carol, he was a great mate, so R.I.P. Tom.
A Martin
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Anthony (Tony) Krzenek (Chez) (Died March 2010)
Hi This is not easy but does any one remember Anthony (Tony) Krzenek (Chez), it is with regret i inform
you all he passed away on the 11th March 2010 from bowel cancer. I am Janet his wife of 34yrs and as you do you have a
lot to sift through and i came across you're web site on a piece of paper. He often mentioned Senelarger, 8 inch How, Honest
John, Hona! Ranges, The first and last pub and a 432 Personnel Carrier (last im not sure about). He was best man to Gwyn Wallace
and Carol Shimming in germany sadly Gwyn passed away in 2007 but not sure what reg Gwyn was in. Tony was in 39 about 1971
to 1974.
Regards janet Krzenek
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Jack Cornish (Died Nov 2002)
Copy from our RIP book -- submitted on October 13, 2010
From - Name: Dale Mackrill
Email Address: daleomackrill@gmail.com
Comments: Jack Cornish died 27th 11-2002 he served in 19 bty from 1963-70 he was my brother-in-law
- after 19 bty he was posted to 17 Training Regt as an instructor.
May Jack Cornish - Rest in Peace
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Terry Griffin (Died Nov 2010)
e mail from Geoff
Bradford – dated 19 Nov 2010 to the39ersclub@hotmail.com
Ref. Terry Griffin (m-127)
Hi Mike,
Sorry to have to inform you that Terry Griffin
passed away at 11-05am today. Friday 19 Nov. 2010. He served in 36bty in the 60's, and at one time ran the Battery bar. Terry
was married to my sister Gillian, they had 1 son & 3 daughters. They lived all their married life in Chesterfield.
Regards, Geoff.
More Info. Contact Geoff – Tel. 01934 842 617 – e mail – geoffreybradford@btinternet.com
He Rest in Peace
++ ++

Billy (William) Usher (Died Sep 2010)
It is with saddness that I have to report the death - Billy (William) Usher
E mail from Karen Usher (Billy’s wife) Dated 22 Oct 2010
Bill Usher passed away on the 6th Sep. 2010 He was in
hospital after having a tube fitted into his stomach for liquid feed but he had left it too late and had got too de-hydrated
and mal nourished, so really never recovered. He wanted it all to come to a finish as once his voice had gone he felt life
was finished for him. I wouldn’t wish him here to suffer but it goes without saying I miss him dreadfully. I can tell
you he loved being in touch with the 39ers and really loved the Reunion 2009 at Blackpool last year.
Best wishes to you all,
Karen Usher (Bill’s Wife)
Contact Karen, e mail at: iantaylor73@btinternet.com
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Gordon (greg) Biss (Died 1995)
submitted on September 14, 2010
Grimes - alfred.grimes@btopenworld.com
all who knew Gordon (greg) Biss ex 36/39 in the 60's, just to let you all know that after years of searching trying to find
my best friend and buddy, sadly only to be told Greg passed away in 1995, my belated condolences go to Linda and her family,
"sorry I did not find you sooner RIP Greg old buddy" May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Spud Wadmore (Died
Sep 2010)
From Our Guest Book
#271 | Thursday
9th of September 2010, 8:38 pm, GMT +1 | Des Hover |
To all
that new Spud Wadmore ,,,, Spud passed away - in the early hours of Wed (8-9-2010) morning this week his funeral is on Monday
(13-09-2010), I have no other info - RIP Spud,
Pat , Des , and the Family
May He Rest
in Peace
++ ++
It is with
a heavy heart that I post this notice. Ken Barry lost his fight to cancer on Tuesday 9th February 2010 at 2AM. He
is survived by wife, Liz, and his 5 children and 14 grand children. For those that knew him in the day his family grew
from 2 - Kevin and Keren, to 5 - Samantha, Melanie, and Neal.
He will be sorely missed and was much loved.
His funeral will be held on Friday 26th February 2010 at Risby Crematorium,
Nr Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
Those wishing details please contact Liz on 07999592223.
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
John Patrick Collinson (Died
Feb 2006)
From: |
Melanie Sallis (melanie@msallis.wanadoo.co.uk)
Sent: |
21 August 2009 10:32:55 |
To: |
the39ersclub@hotmail.com |
I'm sure you will have met my father in Senelarger My name is Melanie Collinson.
My Father John Patrick Colinson {JC} died on ) 01/02/2006
My father passed away - due to a heart attack.
melanie collinson
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
David Howitson (Died Aug 2009)
It is with regret that I must tell you that my father has now passed
He had been in Hospital for a while, had a leg amputated 2 months ago, but would not take treatment.
Docs decided 10 days ago that they could do no more and were making arrangements to move him to St.
Michael's in Linlithgow for palliative care. However he caught pneumonia last weekend and died peacefully on Thursday.
Funeral is on Wednesday 12 August 14.30 @ Mortonhall
Crematorium, Howdenhall Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6TX
If any one wishes to send flowers or make a charitable donation,
the family would like donations in his name to be made to "Help for Heroes" fund.
Many thanks
Michael Howitson
David Howitson ("8 inch")
WOII served in 39 Missile Regt RA from 1964 until 1970 then returned to the UK
May He Rest in Peace
++ ++
Just to inform you of the sad news that Major Ron Page MBE has passed away after a long illness. He ran the MT section
and was the manager of the 39 regimental football side.
Phil Sutton
++ ++
April 2009)
It is with saddness that I have to report the death of Tom Pratt.
Tom passed away around midnight 7/8 April 2009.
Funeral Service at Salisbury Crematorium at 2.15 on the 24th April 2009
May He Rest in Peace
His wife Evelyn Tel. 01722 411 623
++ ++

From: |
CHRIS JONES (Died Dec 2008)
Phil & Susan SUTTON (susanjsutton@btinternet.com)
Sent: |
04 January 2009 11:06:26 |
To: |
Michael Hughes |
Hi Michael
It has been reported in my local newspaper (Express & Star 3rd
January) that Chris Jones, former 39 regiment, died on the 29th December, following 'a long battle with respiratory disease'.
Chris was the founder member of the Midlands Birds of Prey Rescue Centre,
at Stourbridge, West
His funeral will be held at Stourbridge Crem on the 12th January at
2.10pm. Chris was 65 years of age.
Phil Sutton |
++ ++
Jim Smith (Died Nov 2008)
Published by the Bolton News on 5 Nov 2008.
- JAMES GEORGE (JIM) Peacefully in hospital on 2nd November 2008 after a recent illness bravely borne, JIM aged 70 years.
Loving Husband of Joan, loving Dad of Alan, Russell and the late CAROL and Step-Father of Sue and Phil, devoted Grandad, Brother,
Uncle and Nephew, JIM was a good Friend to many.
service to take place on Friday 7th November 2008 at Overdale East Chapel at 12.45pm. Family flowers only please,
to The Royal British Legion
Jim served with 36 Bty 39 Regiment RA in Sennelager, 1959 - 65. then 40 Regiment RA at Gutersloh. His home was in Bolton.
May He Rest in Peace
Contact - Joan, Tel. 01204 654 909
12 Nov 2008
(JIM) Joan and Family would sincerely like to thank all relatives, friends, neighbours and all at ‘The 39ers Club’
for the kind messages, cards of condolence and donations received in their very sad loss.
Special thanks
to all who attended the service, Reverend Chris Davidson for his kind ministrations and to Tony Roberts from Gibson's Funeral
Service for all his kind support.
Published by the Bolton News, Bolton, Lancashire. 12 Nov 2008.
Please accept our sympathy at this difficult time. From the Your Announcement team
++ ++
Smith (Maj) (Died 2008)
Ron was
the BC of 171 Battery
39 Regiment RA in 1970/71 passed away in the summer 2008.
Death notice
was in Gunner Magazine - Summer 2008,
Info from: Graham Cooke ( Cookie) ex 171+ H Recce/Survey 1970 – 1973
e mail: Cookecarey@aol.com
++ ++
George Debuse (Died Feb 2007)
George - passed away in February 2007 at his home on the Isle of Bembecaular, Hbrides.
Georage (Wo2) - Served with 39 Missile Regt RA in Germany, 1970's
May He Rest in Peace
Info from Don Diprose (Guestbook)
+ + + +
Norma Holness (Died Feb 2007)
Norma - passed away in her sleep during the early hours of Saturday morning
the 24th February 2007 after a long
illness. Norma was the wife of Sgt Ray Holness, Launcher No1 in 36 Missile Battery.
she now be at peace and united once more with Ray,
bless and keep you Norma.
Our deepest sympathies and condolences to all of her children and family
Info from Brian Evans - Tel 01302 350 050
++ ++
Les Horrison (Died Jan 2007)
It is with saddness that I report the death of Les Harrison ex 36 Bty, Les was with 39 until it
merged with 50 missile and left as a sarge.
Passed away Jan 2007 aged 59.
Once a Gunner Always a GUNNER
From: gunner (Original Message) |
Sent: 23/01/2007 21:07 | |
++ ++
Michael (Ginge) Wickers
I would like to mention the passing of Michael (Ginge) Wickers who died 9 years ago. Ginge
was a member of 75 bty E1 section, and was realy liked by every one that knew him. He was born in Rotherham, yorkshire.
Fred Sherburn and
Butch Makin
both from Leeds, and of 75 bty, and they all joined in 1966.
Fred Pemberton
Gordon (rookie) Roe & Brendan Curren (Paddy) (Sgt) he served with 36/39 Regt & 38/40 Regt 1960 & 70, (died 1975 rta)
All will be sadly missed by us all.
Info from: Daniel J Hickey 2007-06-24 & 14 Nov 2008
++ ++
George DeBuse &
Les Harrison
So sorry to hear of the passing of George DeBuse and Les Harrison.
May they rest in peace.
++ ++

Curren, Brendan (Sgt) (Paddy) Brendan
died in Germany 1975.
David Rowlands
From his sin, David. My father (passed away after a long illness in Nov. 1984) was in the R.A.
from 1950-1972. 10 of these years he spent with 39 in Sennerlager. I believe from 1956- 1966.
His name is also David Rowlands and we use to live in the Luckesastr. He always told me about his good times
in the Geordies Bar.
I was also in the R.A. from 1979-1992. Spending 1 year attachment to 176 Bty as a Sgt.
May He Rest in Peace
The 39ers Club ( Guestbook ) Note Nr.: 71
from 2007-08-03 19:57:08 by David Rowlands
Info from: David Rowlands,
| |
++ ++
Marty Tracey
171 Bty. Died of cancer in 1996.
RIP Marty.
(Info from Serena on Buddies Guestbook dated 23 June 2008)